Wednesday, May 12, 2010

daddy needs a new pair of shoes (always)

i think one of the most amusing things in life is those moments when you make little realizations about yourself, how you life your life, how you function, whatever it might be. driving home from mother's day this weekend my mom and i drove past a local casino.
i made the comment to her that casino's were just something i didnt understand. sure i mean i can see the appeal of vegas casinos. no its not for me.
but that's more from personal past experiences biasing me from liking it.
long story. maybe, my lovelies, one day i will share it.
ok ADD aside, i can understand most people's appeal for close together casinos, mixed with bars, clubs, gorgeous people, and all night glamour.
but local side of the road casinos??? thats just something i cant wrap my head around. if you're a frequenter, take no offense, but they just seem a little trashy to me.
but lo and behold, my ever speculative mother makes an observation.......i am an avid ebay-er (as i believe i mentioned in the past).
and i dont mean just a little. i mean to the point that friends and professors alike make fun of me, ask me what im bidding on this time, and even just as of last week told me to talk about class....not fashion (im sorry, but i maintain that my priorities are in order).
ebay is my gambling. do i win everything? no. do i bid a lot? of course. its a high. its fun. is it a little trashy? yes.
to each his own i suppose.
PS lovelies, that picture is from this month's vogue supplement on accessories and is amazing. i would have shown other pictures, but there's quite a bit of boobies. do yourself some good and go pick it up. i dont like andy warhol. but this is just captivating.
bravo to grace, as im sure that layout was her doing. i want to be her.

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