Saturday, June 26, 2010

fyi. moved websites. same name. but on tumblr.

Friday, May 21, 2010

it has to be said.

ok i just have to say this. i know this came out just about a month ago, but it just keeps irking at me. i know this is supposed to be all modern and the things she does are supposed to be edgy. and in all fairness, i kind of have a lot hate relationship with GaGa, but this time...its definitely a hate.

i dont think this is...out there, or whatever you want to call it. to me. its kind of sacrilege. its a birkin for god sake. its one of the most revered and special bags. with years and years of waiting lists. she's LUCKY to have it. something she probably forgets. and she WRITES ONE IT?!

and even later on she and terence koh (canadian artist) doodle is to decimation.

sure i get it. avant garde bull and what not.

to me. its pure ugliness and cloaked in a sense of deserving. disgusting.

its where it all comes from

so much of my inspiration from life comes from the music i listen to. i dont know how many times i woke up listening to some sort of 80s music and that day walked out of the house wearing my hair all too large or ripped up my clothes.

hands down my favorite band....the clash. i mean it just doesnt get better than that. i love them so much it almost hurts. i cant watch their videos without wanting to throw on some wayfarers and a leather jacket (both of which i will get my hands on soon). everyone should be required in life to watch their live: revolution rock documentary and their rude boy semi-documentary. get on it.

in the meantime. here's some more modern music for you. give a listen my loves. and then got on the clash education!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

mcqueen's skulls

this picture is for lack of being able to find one of Alexander McQueen's new eyewear advertisement. if you can get your hands on a W magazine, go to page 39 so that your life can change. it is absolutely amazing. bright bright reds. peachy pink creams. and my obsession with skulls doesnt hurt.

he is amazing in life and death.

enrich yourself and find it. im just in awe. love.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

daddy needs a new pair of shoes (always)

i think one of the most amusing things in life is those moments when you make little realizations about yourself, how you life your life, how you function, whatever it might be. driving home from mother's day this weekend my mom and i drove past a local casino.
i made the comment to her that casino's were just something i didnt understand. sure i mean i can see the appeal of vegas casinos. no its not for me.
but that's more from personal past experiences biasing me from liking it.
long story. maybe, my lovelies, one day i will share it.
ok ADD aside, i can understand most people's appeal for close together casinos, mixed with bars, clubs, gorgeous people, and all night glamour.
but local side of the road casinos??? thats just something i cant wrap my head around. if you're a frequenter, take no offense, but they just seem a little trashy to me.
but lo and behold, my ever speculative mother makes an observation.......i am an avid ebay-er (as i believe i mentioned in the past).
and i dont mean just a little. i mean to the point that friends and professors alike make fun of me, ask me what im bidding on this time, and even just as of last week told me to talk about class....not fashion (im sorry, but i maintain that my priorities are in order).
ebay is my gambling. do i win everything? no. do i bid a lot? of course. its a high. its fun. is it a little trashy? yes.
to each his own i suppose.
PS lovelies, that picture is from this month's vogue supplement on accessories and is amazing. i would have shown other pictures, but there's quite a bit of boobies. do yourself some good and go pick it up. i dont like andy warhol. but this is just captivating.
bravo to grace, as im sure that layout was her doing. i want to be her.

Friday, April 30, 2010

and another one. and another. and another.

its been a few days since ive posted anything. so to make up for it, i think i'll try and do two posts today. although this one will be brief.
its funny, my mom and i have a running joke that i can walk into my room feeling overwhelmed and fully assured in the fact that i have a shopping problem (i, no joke, havent slept in my room in awhile because there is absolutley no room for me...and yes, i finally bought a garment rack to try and help the problem)....having said all this, i was into my room completely beside myself and walk out feeling like i own NOTHING.
im realizing that im definitely the kind of person that wears something one or two times, and feels the need to never wear it again. which is why i need to be rich and famous and get free clothes.
no not really.
maybe a little.
really when it comes down to it, just looking at clothes makes me happy. even if i dont get to buy them. i spent 3 hours at the rack yesterday just browsing and trying things on, didnt buy anything, and while i was slightly discouraged that designer clothes aren't made for my predominantly hour glass figure (im sorry, but yes, im complaining about it. extreme measurements are a pain), but generally just being around clothes makes me feel better about life.
newest addition: vintage bright blue cropped yves saint laurent jacket. i cant wait for it to come in the mail. i keep checking the tracking hoping somehow its jumped across the nation.
oh well. pictures to come once i got it.
im already planning on the wonderful outfits ill put together

Saturday, April 24, 2010

life lesson: if you model shoes...shave your freaking legs.

ok so this is one of the many pairs of shoes i stalk. they're Jefferey Campbell's "tick" shoe. and they're absolutely amazing. i think i've finally decided that im going to get them for myself.

but thats all really besides the point. its not why i started writing this post.

the real reason......

i dont think you can see it in this picture, but the one from is up, UP freaking close. and good god. IF YOU ARE A LEG/SHOE MODEL SHAVE YOUR FREAKING LEGS. im sorry but thats just disgusting. if i didnt love these already so much as it is, i dont think i would buy them after seeing this. i mean its not just unhygienic. but it's just flat out bad marketing.

it would be like tillamook showing moldy cheese.


for the amount that these models are getting paid (and dont take this as model bashing, im all for models. holler.), i think you can spend the dollar fifty on some shaving cream, and...ATLEAST....a disposable razor or something.

if you are this model. send me an email. ill send you the stuff for you.

on a lighter note. those shoes have my soul wrapped around their pinkie finger. i might actually be drooling. give it a week. they'll be in my life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

where to wear wellies (get it!? ha.)

ok, i love harrods as it is. but i loooooved this article.

it was not only very well written, but so cute. and here's the thing. i love wellies. i mean im a seattle girl, rain is what we do. but i cant lie, ive never felt particularly comfortable wearing them. it was one of those things that through out the day i had to repeat to myself "these are way cute, i look good....these are way cute, i look good". but the noise they make when you walk, and the clunky-ness of them have always been deterring to me.

but after reading this, and how much we should love the noise they make and the message they send...i want some right now. and of course i read it on the single sunny day in washington. but nonetheless, another addition to my closet will be made soon.

i have a bright pink pair as it is. but i think i need these ones in my life...

joules, posh wellies

i dont know if you can really see it, but there is an adorable bow on the back. i loves it.

the brits definitely do it right.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

the september issue.

the september issue, dvd

its a saturday night, and what am i doing....sitting at home. with my cat. some bitch wine. my taxes. my vogue.


watching the september issue.

if you dont know about it, its a documentary about anna wintour. ice queen. or as most people know her, editor of vogue. watching this, i cant avtively feel my life changing. especially with how overwhelmed ive felt with the hurdles that are in front of me right now. but watching this, i cant be more insipred and sure that this is the industry i love.

i dont care how much of a bitch she is, i would gladly let anna wintour beat me with a glass shard infused stick until i was within an inch of my life...and still love it.

she says something in the very beginning about why some people dont understand those of us with a passion for it, and it so just felt right to me. and i feel good about how much i love it. you dont have to understand it. you dont have to agree with it. but i love it. and i could never get enough of it.

how can you resist continuing to surround yourself with beautiful things. to go through life throwing on kmart blue light knock offs. to look dumpy and frumpy. i just cant imagine. to me, a great outfit, a beautiful designer, and insipring line....makes life more vibrant.

miu miu ad


Thursday, April 15, 2010

its a lazy day in the neighborhood.

today was one of those days that i woke up, and just didnt have the energy to even wear a fabulous outfit. not that i didnt have the energy to put it together, but to actually wear it. i dont know if that makes sense, but the way i see it...if im going to wear something so amazing, i better damn well do it justice. and if im going to be frumpy and gross. better to not disgrace the clothes.

plus so many of the things that i put on a just a litttttle bit out there, and require a certain "i dont give a shit" confidence, that if its not there....i just land up looking like a fool.

thats why today, ive committed the biggest of sins (almost). i threw on a biig slouchy sweater (ok...nothing wrong with that). and my tattered old jean skirt, some black leggings, uggs.

im sorry. say what you will. but i love my uggs. no they're not fashionable. but they're so damn comfortable. they're pajamas for my feet, and on a day like today. that's all i care about. plus. im wearing an old abercrombie skirt...clearly, today is not a day for impressing.

i mean...atleast they're not crocs for godsake.

i came across this the other day....

lubber tote

now thats terrible.

like crocs at an all new low.

please. never.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


i'm sorry. call it my pet peeve. call it semantics. call it whatever. but i just dont understand "denim leggings". are those just called jeans?!?! i could understand maybe calling them ultra-skinny or something to that effect. but denim jeans just doesnt seem....right to me. sounds like maybe a justification for those who choose to wear them as pants. which im vehemently against.
ignore the following....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

i wanttttt!

long champ, le pliage
here's the real much do i want to pay? because i need this in my life. now. i hated these for awhile, but on this last trip to new york i saw SO many people with it and it looked so chic on everyone, jealous. and then a girl came into my work today with it. and i must have it in my life. pronto.

Friday, April 9, 2010

i want a ring. but not for that finger.

two finger ring, TRINKET JEWELRY, found out
I was this ring so bad it hurts. i literally have sat staring at a picture of it for nearly all day. back and forth. doing my best to justify getting it. i have to say, what i love most about etsy is that you can really feel the love that these people have put into what theyve made.
ughhh i want i want i want. it doesnt help that ive been online shopping all day (go figure), and watching marie antoinette (again...go figure). i just want to buy buy buy. maybe ill treat myself to this one.
i have to say too, normally i find a lot of the specialized name, etc. rings turn out looking really tacky, but all the stuff by trinket jewelry was really amazing. so kudos to them!!
all this jewelry shopping has made me really think over what of my collection i love the best. at the moment, i would have to say my over-sized betsey rings get the most wear. so...what is YOUR favorite piece?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

floral necklace, kate spade

ever since i saw ms. secelia kirby at school last week with an amazing vintage gold necklace under a dark blue (james perse?) button up, ive been obsessed with finding something similar of my own. on my daily polyvore meander i found this JEWEL. im sorry but there's no other word. its absolutely amazing and so delicate if i saw it in a market i would assume it was vintage as well. i have to say, im not normally the biggest kate spade fan. there's a time and a place for everything, and i just havent found one for the.........convservativeness of the brand.

i have found my exception

i want to put it under a shirt, just barely peeking out. ala lavin's spring collection. i can think of nothing better.

gives me dreams of posh beaches on the coast of some mediterranean get-away. maybe awaiting my sailboat.

i guess with dreams like that...i'll sleep well tonight.

down the rabbit hole.

hat, vintage; dress, bcbg

ok, so starting a blog feels a little weird, cant lie. its kind of like when you're a kid and you start a diary. i always would sit with the open page infront of me wondering....what do i write? what will i want to remember? do i sound stupid? who's going to read this anyway? and land up writing something childing and odd and then walk away and never write in it again.

this, however, has quite a different purpose. this is not only my way of finding an outlet for the countless hours of shopping and reading of fashion magazines/blogs/etc. but also as a way to dip my foot in the quicksand of the fashion world. who knows. we'll see how this really ends up.

so, dear readers, a few little things about me (kind of like the pointless syllabus day welcomings), so you know a little about me (although lets be honest, im just starting out, so most of you know me, so consider this a refresher in the course that is CORINNA. holler.)

1. i have OCD
2. i am OBSESSED with alexander mcqueen. i cried the day he died. and ive saved his memorial articles.
3. i dont think enough people understand just because you love a brand doesnt mean you have to love every piece. designers aren't gods (usually...)
4. i ebay everyday.
5. there are a few blogs i obsessively read (fashionista is my favorite. i think they're adorable and smart. no better combination)
6. i get really pissed off when stores have a boring selection (for those of you who REALLY know me, you know i dont shop at DSW because they're buyer is clearly a YAWN)
7. i want nothing more than to be a retail buyer. but really, anything in the realm of fashion will make me happy.
8. other than my grandmother (RIP), im the only one in my family who cares about fashion. to quote the devil wears prada, "to [them] Club Monaco is couture"
9. i loved project runway, it blows now.

i think thats enough. i dont want to bore you to death when i've just begun.

OH. and the name. is a reference to both marie antoinette (madame deficit). and one of my favooorite words.