Thursday, April 15, 2010

its a lazy day in the neighborhood.

today was one of those days that i woke up, and just didnt have the energy to even wear a fabulous outfit. not that i didnt have the energy to put it together, but to actually wear it. i dont know if that makes sense, but the way i see it...if im going to wear something so amazing, i better damn well do it justice. and if im going to be frumpy and gross. better to not disgrace the clothes.

plus so many of the things that i put on a just a litttttle bit out there, and require a certain "i dont give a shit" confidence, that if its not there....i just land up looking like a fool.

thats why today, ive committed the biggest of sins (almost). i threw on a biig slouchy sweater (ok...nothing wrong with that). and my tattered old jean skirt, some black leggings, uggs.

im sorry. say what you will. but i love my uggs. no they're not fashionable. but they're so damn comfortable. they're pajamas for my feet, and on a day like today. that's all i care about. plus. im wearing an old abercrombie skirt...clearly, today is not a day for impressing.

i mean...atleast they're not crocs for godsake.

i came across this the other day....

lubber tote

now thats terrible.

like crocs at an all new low.

please. never.

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